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Business Proposal Scam


Be assured that this brief business proposal is genuine and confidential.

As a US Soldier and Central Commander Appointee Command Information Supervisor in Iraq before I moved to Afghanistan, we discovered a lot of money in 2003, which I moved some part of it through security means as consignment and deposited it into a security house in London for eight years, where I registered it as personal effect. The total fund, the sum of US $10,500,000.00 is safe and now, I want you to help me receive it.

I will send all the necessary business documents to you, and full instructions for it arrival in your place without any problem.

I am offering 35% and you will also help me invest 65% of my share into any lucrative business in your country under your country, where your government will not take much tax from it. I guarantee you that this venture is risk free. If you are interest, please, get back to me for further details, and if not, please delete this letter and do not inform anyone about it.

Eric B. Brown
Ledger Nano X - The secure hardware wallet